Deletion of data from INTERPOL database / Extradition defence

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The extradition process can be initiated by a State's request for an international search through INTERPOL.

In such a case, we will prepare a request for deletion of data from the INTERPOL database. Our main goal in such requests is to prove that the criminal prosecution in the requesting country is politically motivated and that your human rights will be violated if you are extradited. 

It should be emphasized that misuse of the INTERPOL mechanism for persecution of individuals, who are undesirable to the authorities of this or that country, is nowadays widespread.  

If you have even a suspicion that there is a criminal case against you, we will prepare a preventive request to the INTERPOL for you. Such a step will help you avoid sudden detention and present your position to INTERPOL before the state takes action. This will help you not only to gain time for your legal defense, but also to avoid unfavorable consequences for your security.

The extradition process can also be initiated by direct request between States.

When working on extradition cases, we rely on knowledge of international law, our experience in representing clients before international bodies, and contacts with experts on the situation in a requesting country. Our lawyers will thoroughly examine your case, help you to collect relevant evidence, and prepare a defence that will be based on the international human rights bodies’ practice in extradition cases, specific circumstances of your case, and the situation in the requesting country. If necessary, we will contact experts on the requesting country and obtain their opinion.

If the extradition request is granted, we will file a complaint before the European Court of Human Rights or a relevant UN Committee.

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